Performance and prices for the Longleaf Partners UCITS Funds

UCITS Fund Performance

Current and prospective shareholders of the Longleaf Partners UCITS Funds can find the latest prices and performance information, along with historical data below.

Daily Prices

at 18/01/24

Fund Ticker Inception Date Price Change % Change
Global UCITS Fund(Class I USD) LLPSOUG 04/01/10 17.98 0.23 1.30%
Global UCITS Fund(Class I EUR) LLPSOUE 20/05/10 16.34 0.23 1.43%
Global UCITS Fund(Class I GBP) LLPSOGI 13/11/13 14.05 0.16 1.15%
Asia Pacific UCITS Fund(Class I USD) LPAPIUS ID 02/12/14 11.13 0.03 0.27%
Asia Pacific UCITS Fund(Class I GBP) LPAPIGB ID 15/09/17 8.72 0.01 0.11%
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Download Historic Daily NAV

Download historic daily NAV data for each of our UCITS funds below.

Average Annual Returns

at 28/02/25

Fund name 1 YR 3 YR 5 YR 10 YR Incept †
Global UCITS Fund (Class I USD) 5.15% 1.78% 4.39% 3.13% 4.68%
FTSE Developed Index (USD) 15.05% 9.89% 13.60% 9.66% 9.82%
Global UCITS Fund (Class I EUR) 9.55% 4.45% 5.70% 3.83% 6.53%
FTSE Developed Index (EUR) 19.71% 12.74% 14.85% 10.49% 12.14%
Global UCITS Fund (Class I GBP) 5.48% 3.97% 4.79% 5.22% 5.61%
FTSE Developed Index (GBP) 15.58% 12.24% 13.93% 11.93% 12.02%
Asia Pacific UCITS Fund (Class I USD) 14.26% 2.67% 2.36% 2.74% 3.12%
FTSE Asia Pacific Index (USD) 7.76% 2.73% 6.18% 4.87% 5.24%
Asia Pacific UCITS Fund (Class I GBP) 14.71% 4.87% 2.76% N/A 0.83%
FTSE Asia Pacific Index (GBP) 8.26% 4.93% 6.48% N/A 5.28%
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Inception date is 4/1/10 (Global UCITS Fund Class I USD), 20/5/10 (Global UCITS Fund Class I EUR), 13/11/13 (Global UCITS Fund Class I GBP), 9/5/12 (U.S. UCITS Fund Class I USD), 2/12/14 (Asia Pacific UCITS Fund Class I USD), and 15/9/17 (Asia Pacific UCITS Fund Class I GBP).

Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Past performance is no guarantee of future results, fund prices fluctuate, and the value of an investment at redemption may be worth more or less than the purchase price. Prospective investors should review the Prospectus, including the risk factors, before making a decision to invest.

The Simplified Prospectus and Full Prospectus (including any supplements) are available from Southeastern Asset Management International (UK) Limited at [email protected] or +44 (0) 20 7479 4200. Southeastern Asset Management International (UK) Limited is authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority in the United Kingdom.