Non-US Mandate

Portfolio Information

  • The Portfolio's objective is long-term capital growth. Current income is not an objective.

  • We generally invest in companies with market capitalizations over $1 billion.

  • Portfolio construction is benchmark-agnostic, and sector, industry and country weights are a by-product of bottom-up investment decisions.

  • Country weightings are a by-product of the location of qualifying investments.

  • If we cannot find qualifying investment opportunities, we will hold cash.

  • Portfolios normally contain 15-25 securities.

  • We do not hedge currency exposure.

  • If size begins to inhibit our ability to manage Non-US mandates, we will close to new investors.

Investment Discipline

Southeastern manages all mandates and portfolios using the same investment discipline.

Our Investment Approach

We are long-term, concentrated, engaged value investors.

The Investment Process

We are fundamental, bottom-up business appraisers.

Risk Management

We seek to minimize the risk of permanent capital loss.