Global Mandate

Portfolio Information

  • The Portfolio's objective is long-term capital growth. Current income is not an objective.

  • We generally invest in companies with market capitalizations over $3 billion.

  • Portfolio construction is benchmark-agnostic, and sector, industry and country weights are a by-product of bottom-up investment decisions.

  • If we cannot find qualifying investment opportunities, we will hold cash.

  • Portfolios normally contain 15-25 securities.

  • We do not hedge currency exposure.

  • If size begins to inhibit our ability to manage Global mandates, we will close to new investors.

Investment Discipline

Southeastern manages all mandates and portfolios using the same investment discipline.

Our Investment Approach

We are long-term, concentrated, engaged value investors.

The Investment Process

We are fundamental, bottom-up business appraisers.

Risk Management

We seek to minimize the risk of permanent capital loss.