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The P/V Podcast

Will Thorndike on CNX, Outsiders and Private Equity

Episode 08 / August 2019

CEO and Head of Research Ross Glotzbach and Vice-Chairman Staley Cates interview Will Thorndike, author of The Outsiders – Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success and Chairman of CNX Resources.

In this episode, CEO and Head of Research Ross Glotzbach and Vice-Chairman Staley Cates interview Will Thorndike, author of The Outsiders – Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success, and Chairman of CNX Resources. They discuss progress at CNX, whether energy companies can be considered “good businesses”, the importance of a capital allocation mindset in commodity businesses, frothiness in the private equity world and the characteristics and long-lasting benefits of “Outsiders” in the US and overseas.