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The P/V Podcast

US Small Cap: Re-Opening After Two Decades

Episode 12 / April 2020

The Longleaf Partners Small-Cap Fund portfolio managers – Mason Hawkins, Staley Cates and Ross Glotzbach – discuss why we believe re-opening the Fund will benefit our long-term investors.

In this episode, the Longleaf Partners Small-Cap Fund portfolio managers – Mason Hawkins, Staley Cates and Ross Glotzbach – discuss why we believe re-opening the Fund will benefit our long-term investors.


We closed the Fund to new investors in August 1997 to manage our size against any potential liquidity constraints that would limit the opportunity set and to avoid diluting our shareholders, given rising cash at that time. The Fund has remained closed to new investors for more than two decades over the course of various market conditions.


Mason, Staley and Ross discuss what makes the US Small-Cap universe so compelling today, how our outlook compares to prior downturns, the small-cap companies we are excited to own today and the new opportunities we are finding in the current environment.