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Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing

Ivey Value Investing Class Guest Speaker Series Featuring Ross Glotzbach

January 2021

Ivey Business School welcomed Southeastern's CEO and Head of Research Ross Glotzbach as a guest speaker for their 2021 Value Investing Program.

Ross begins with an introduction to Southeastern and the firm’s long-term, concentrated, engaged approach to value investing. Ross discusses Southeastern’s investment process in detail, including the bottom-up, fundamental research the team undertakes when assessing businesses and management teams, how they define and estimate intrinsic value and how portfolio managers make investment decisions. He discusses the current investment environment and how long-term investors can benefit from “time horizon arbitrage” as a result of short-term stock market irrationality. Ross details why he thinks it is a great time to be a value investor today, after an extended period of the style being out of favor. Finally, he fields questions from Dr. George Athanassakos and his students, which run the gamut on topics from the rise of quantitative analysis to ESG factors in portfolio management to Ross’ most valuable lessons in investing from his career.