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The P/V Podcast

Margaret Casely-Hayford on How Values Impact Value

Episode 14 / September 2020

Southeastern’s London-based Global Head of Client Relations and Communications, Gwin Myerberg, Senior Analyst, John Woodman, and Junior Analyst, Alicia Cardale, have a broad-ranging discussion with Margaret Casely-Hayford CBE.

A British lawyer by trade, Margaret is an expert on corporate governance and diversity and inclusion, with extensive insight and experience in her roles as corporate board executive, charitable trust board trustee, entrepreneur and a leader within the arts and education world in the UK.

They discuss Margaret’s background and family history of activism [3:19-6:43] and how Margaret created her own opportunities and learned the importance of building a brand and a network [7:33-14:30]. Margaret outlines the biggest challenges obstructing diversity in corporate boards and how to address them [14:43-22:15] and how the recent spotlight on racial injustice may help drive structural change [22:15-26:02]. Next, Margaret discusses how corporations and investors can better assess board candidates [26:14-30:40], what she views to be the most important aspects of corporate governance for benefitting shareholders [30:40-38:48] and why she believes corporations are more open to engaging with long-term shareholders on these issues today [38:49-41:58]. Margaret then discusses her passion for championing education and mentorship through various charitable organizations and the importance of local engagement and ownership to drive success [41:59-54:47]. Finally, Margaret shares some personal insights in a short round of questions at the end [55:17-1:04:00].

For more information about Margaret and her career accomplishments, please see her personal website –